Each of us is crucial for maintaining flora and fauna


This game is clear to him. He is looking for peace and tranquillity without chasing after someone else's approval

*Click to flip

Treats a character like a Tamagotchi. Do not want to leave behind and will sustain until the end

5/2 worker

He likes to farm instances in 9 windows while watching anime and listening in Discord to his friends playing Dota


Tournament mentality we can't comprehend. Assembling all the clan boost for 50 wins / 0 losses is a fetish

in prime

He knows that only here will he meet decent resistance, and his group will understand what it is capable of

Scroll further. There is a portion of
fat gifts at the end <3

I don't farm a mob solo on a mouse soft, therefore, I exist

(c) René Descartes 1337

Evening online 8000+

  • 145 days after the start
  • 320 days the season lasts
  • already passed

Only the involved stands with us

  • 4.7kk PvP during the season
  • 180k PvP every week
  • 1.66 PvP/second in prime

Not just clans and packs

These are not just fighters for the epic but also support for the economy, demand for your loot from instances or event items, active daily PvP on the 5th month of the server and a guarantee of stability

You can quickly find friends in our recruiting threads

Many are looking for a player for a pre-made geared character protected from scam, but you must understand all the responsibility and possible consequences

And here is already a High Five

You know, heard, did these names and legends, and they know what to expect from the High Five stage at MasterWork

The rarest Pokemon wrote himself into history, being on the edge of gaming journalism
Admin or player. Wrong. The legends cannot be categorized
RJ Ephas
The voice of the nation and the honoured creator of all MasterWork. Has all Lineage names in his contacts
The top-ranked Olympian in tanks — presses not only F1 but also lifts over a hundred kilograms on the bench press
Accelerated with Rush Impact and sped down the oncoming lane at 220 km/h
I created this landing page and signed up because we were one person short

Do you even realize what's going on?

Maybe I should be simpler and tell you what MasterWork is?

The king's last tenet

Is not just the ultimate opinion of the unrivalled DanielDefo but a proven historical summary, Boy!

I’d like to remind readers that you can create a new character in three days and join almost ANY party. Everyone needs one or two active players, and levelling up here is incredibly fast. There’s no need to spend months grinding S grade, farming, or forming a group — now, everything is ready for rookies. The main requirements are passing the adequacy filter and desire to play.

Meanwhile, we’ve nearly played through winter on the Elven Fields — not to mention that we began this godly work last fall. Time flies, though this year, it feels different. If the previous fourth season left us wondering, “When will it finally end?” this one, surprisingly, becomes a fresh experience.

A sandbox offers different levels of involvement. You can be a part of the scenery almost for free or fully immersed in the same basement raid or big war. But at that level, equipment costs, skill, and social adaptability come into play. Surprisingly, this still catches some people off guard — especially those who’ve known Lineage 2 since childhood. It has been this way for 21 years.

The fourth month of our journey is ending. I can’t speak for everyone, but I wouldn’t say we’re exhausted — at least, I’m not. The past two years have toughened us, teaching us how to manage our energy wisely in the game. We never forget that it’s just a game, even though we take it seriously and stick together.

Help pump the media. We will not remain in debt <3

All you have to do is a few body movements

Step 1
Go to Instagram and watch the last 3 full videos
Step 2
Like and comment at least 7 words on each. It must be meaningful. Spam will be banned
Step 3
Subscribe to us and write a password "hello moto" in direct messages
Attention! The order of actions is very important. Otherwise, the gift will not be sent.

A special offer for fans of entertainment and creativity

Subscribe to our streamers and have a chance to be one of five lucky winners. We’ll create a custom Lineage 2-themed avatar just for you.

Welcome to MasterWork, Darling!

You can start on MasterWork anytime, but there won’t be a better offer


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Step 2: Another 50% of boosts in social media
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